Psycholinguistic and electrophysiological literature

Psycholinguistische und elektrophysiologische Literatur

Start with the search…

I was surfing around the internet looking for some kind of surrealistic inspiration for memes. Some random object would do. A search for “toothpaste tubes” or “people who live inside toothpaste tubes” combined with “a random string of words” or “automatic meaningless phrases that people say without knowing why”.

Result number one…

The first thing I found was this hilarious image by Chris (Simpsons Artist).

How to cheer up a miserable friend xox
How to cheer up a miserable friend xox
"How to cheer up a miserable friend: hide inside your friends toothpaste tube to give them a mysterious minty fresh surprise" - Chris (Simpsons artist)

No matter what you search for on the internet, something crazy is going to show up. The internet is filled with undiscovered comics. Picture searches are a great way to survive the pandemic isolation. I wonder if my neighbors can hear me laughing late at night while being alone at home. The drawings of Chris (Simpsons artist) are fantastic. I don’t know if they are bizarre, crude, ironic, disgusting, or just plain funny. Some of them I didn’t even want to look at, yet I did and now I can’t un-see them. The drawing that totally fit to my search term was this one of a women living in a toothpaste tube. Did you know that little blue women live in your Alexa too?

To see more drawings, visit the twitter account: getbentsaggy

Result number two…

Squeezed tube of toothpaste was used to show analogy with words said on the internet. They cannot be taken back. An example of abstracting.
Squeezed tube of toothpaste was used to show analogy with words said on the internet. They cannot be taken back. An example of abstracting.

This search result focused more on the “string of words” or “things people say, but they don’t know why” queries. The result is not funny. The words “gay, stupid, ugly, dumb, freak, retarded, jerk, lame” all lined up and pouring out of a toothpaste tube. It’s a clever image and gets the point across well. Once you say something, you can’t get it back into the tube.

The search didn’t really satisfy me. Therefore, I followed the picture back to the publisher’s website. The image came from The site hosts a database containing a large amount of searchable research papers. My search for “String of Words” returned the result, “Processing multiword idiomatic strings”. The abstract is difficult to understand if it is just scanned over. It is filled with fun terms, like “semantic memory” and “electrophysiological literature” and “the behavior of idioms”. If I were going to read the article in its entirely, which I could because it is published for free, I would not be able to do it on a tiny cell phone. I would need to use the tablet and the stylus. Note taking is mandatory.

Idioms are strings of words whose figurative meaning does not necessarily derive from that of the constituent parts. 
  • figurative meaning – übertragene Bedeutung
  • constituent parts – Bestandteile
They belong to the vast and heterogeneous realm of multiword expressions, i.e. literal and non-literal word clusters whose representations are stored in semantic memory. 
  • heterogeneous realm – heterogenes Reich
  • non-literal word clusters – wörtliche und nicht wörtliche Wortcluster
  • semantic memory – semantisches Gedächtnis
This article provides an updated review of the psycholinguistic and electrophysiological literature on the processes underlying idiom comprehension with specific reference to the cues that lead to idiom recognition, to the syntactic and semantic behavior of idioms, to the relationships between literal compositionality and idiomatic meaning retrieval.
  • psycholinguistic – psycholinguistisch
  • electrophysiological – elektrophysiologisch
  • idiom comprehension – Verständnis der Redewendung
  • specific references – spezifische Referenzen
  • idiom recognition – Anerkennung der Redewendung
  • syntactic – syntaktisch
  • semantic – semantisch
  • behavior of idioms – Verhalten von Redewendungen
  • literal compositionality – wörtliche Komposition
  • idiomatic meaning retrieval – idiomatische Bedeutungsabfrage
Behavioral models of idiom comprehension are presented and discussed also with respect to the electrophysiological correlates of idiom and figurative language comprehension.
  • Behavioral models – Verhaltensmodelle
  • idiom comprehension – Verständnis der Redewendung
  • language comprehension – Sprachverständnis

Cacciari, Cristina. (2014). Processing multiword idiomatic strings, Many words in one?. The Mental Lexicon. 9. 267-293. 10.1075/ml.9.2.05cac.

A.I. index of random topics

Once upon a time, in a distant future, a new era of transhumanity was born. It was a time of great technological advancement, where the boundaries between man and machine were blurred.

The world was populated by a variety of posthumans, cyborgs, and transhumans. These beings were the result of a combination of advanced technology and genetic engineering. They had superhuman abilities, enhanced intelligence, and a variety of other enhancements.

The most advanced of these posthumans were the vamps. They were created by a group of futurists who sought to create a new species of posthuman that could live forever. To achieve this, they used cryogenics and cryonics to freeze their bodies and preserve them for eternity.

The vamps were incredibly powerful and had a variety of abilities. They could manipulate the elements, control the minds of others, and even fly. They were also incredibly wealthy, as they had access to the latest technology and could buy whatever they wanted.

The vamps were not the only posthumans in the world. There were also cyborgs, bionics, and transhumans. These beings were created by scientists and engineers who sought to create a new species of posthuman that could live forever. They used a variety of technologies to enhance their bodies and minds, and they were incredibly powerful.

The world of transhumanity was a dangerous place. There were those who sought to use the technology for their own gain, and those who sought to destroy it. The vamps were often at the center of these conflicts, as they were the most powerful and wealthy of the posthumans.

The vamps were not the only ones who sought to use the technology for their own gain. There were also those who sought to use it to create a new world order. These individuals sought to create a world where posthumans, cyborgs, and transhumans could live in harmony.

The world of transhumanity was a dangerous place, but it was also a place of great potential. The technology that had been developed could be used to create a better future for all of humanity.

The vamps were the most powerful of the posthumans, but they were not the only ones who sought to use the technology for their own gain. There were also those who sought to use it to create a new world order. These individuals sought to create a world where posthumans, cyborgs, and transhumans could live in harmony.

The world of transhumanity was a dangerous place, but it was also a place of great potential. The technology that had been developed could be used to create a better future for all of humanity. The vamps, cyborgs, bionics, and transhumans all had a part to play in this new world.

The vamps were the most powerful of the posthumans, but they were not the only ones who sought to use the technology for their own gain. There were also those who sought to use it to create a new world order. These individuals sought to create a world where posthumans, cyborgs, and transhumans could live in harmony.

The world of transhumanity was a dangerous place, but it was also a place of great potential. The technology that had been developed could be used to create a better future for all of humanity. The vamps, cyborgs, bionics, and transhumans all had a part to play in this new world.

futurist, cryogenics, cryonics, transhumans, posthumans, vamp, kaufen, cyborgs, transhumanity, bionics, shortcodes,

asteroids, vamp, german, transhumanity, transhuman, futurist, cyborgs, cryonics, transhumans, bionics, futurism

Once upon a time, in a distant future, a group of transhumans, cyborgs, and bionics lived in a world of freedom and liberty. They were a part of a new movement called Futurism, which sought to explore the possibilities of the future.

The transhumans, cyborgs, and bionics were led by a German futurist named Vamp. Vamp was a passionate believer in the power of transhumanity and the potential of cryonics and bionics to extend life and create a better future.

Vamp and his followers set out on a mission to explore the universe and find a new home for transhumanity. They built a spaceship and set off on their journey.

Along the way, they encountered many obstacles, including asteroids, hostile aliens, and other dangers. But Vamp and his followers persevered and eventually found a new home in a distant star system.

Once they arrived, Vamp and his followers set about creating a new society based on freedom, love, and liberty. They built a new city and began to explore the possibilities of transhumanity and futurism.

They also began to explore the possibilities of cryonics and bionics, and soon they had created a new race of transhumans. These transhumans were stronger, smarter, and more capable than any other race in the universe.

Vamp and his followers continued to explore the universe, and eventually they encountered other races of transhumans. They shared their knowledge and technology with these races, and soon the universe was filled with transhumans living in harmony and peace.

Vamp and his followers had achieved their goal of creating a better future for transhumanity. They had created a world of freedom, love, and liberty, and they had opened up a new era of exploration and discovery.

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